ACS PRF Graphic Table of Contents and Nugget Guidelines

Click Here to download a PDF version of the guidelines.

Graphic Table of Contents (TOC)

Principal Investigators are required to submit a graphic entry for the Table of Contents (TOC) that, in conjunction with the project title, is intended to represent the most important progress or result obtained during the period covered by the report. It may be a key structure, reaction, equation, concept, or theorem, etc. that is discussed in the report. Please provide such a TOC graphic entry and adhere to the following instructions. The use of color to enhance the quality and appearance of the TOC graphic is encouraged.

General Guidelines for the upload of the Graphic Table of Contents (TOC):
  1. A MAXIMUM of 1 Graphic Table of Contents (TOC) image maybe uploaded.
  2. The TOC MUST be in one of the following file formats:
  3. The TOC file size MUST NOT exceed 50KB
  4. The TOC graphic may be NO wider than 580 pixels (8 inches based on 72 DPI) and NO taller than 190 pixels (2.6 inches based on 72 DPI).

    Please note, the system will validate for the acceptable dimensions of the TOC. If one of the dimensions does not adhere to the stated size, an error message will be displayed upon uploading the file. Please modify your TOC's dimensions and reupload the file. To calculator pixels or inches dimensions of an image based on the DPI, use the following formula: Pixels ÷ DPI = Inches or Inches x DPI = Pixels. How to Resize an Image with MS Windows Paint Program

Click on the below links for sample of a TOC:


Principal Investigator are required to submit a "nugget", which is a crisp summary with attention-grabbing images - static illustrations, animations or movies - that highlight your work. The graphics are particularly important and can include reaction diagrams, charts, bar graphs, and photographs. "Narrated nuggets" in which grantees provide narration, accompanied by their text and graphics (images or videos), are also acceptable. The nugget text and graphics should be at the level of a press release, explaining briefly and in as non-technical language as possible, what has been accomplished and why it is significant. We anticipate that the collection of nuggets will be made available to the public in our Annual Report in CD format.

General Guidelines for the upload of the Nugget:

  1. A MAXIMUM of 1 Nugget maybe uploaded.
  2. The Nugget MUST be in one of the following file formats, listed in order of preference:
  3. The Nugget file size MUST NOT exceed 1.5MB (1536KB), with or without a media file.
  4. Nuggets can have animation or a video/movie. If your Nugget has a animation or videos/movies file associated with it, you MUST also upload this file too. The upload "Type" should be selected as "Media file for Nugget".
  5. Both the uploaded Nugget and media file can not exceed 1.5MB (1536KB) in total.
  6. The "Media file for Nugget" MUST be in one of the following file Multimedia formats:

Click on the below links for sample of a Nugget:

You can upload multiple small files at a single time, but we recommend you upload large files one at a time.